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KPMG US ◦ Context for Change
A six-part series designed to challenge CEOs and the broader C-suite to confront their comfort with change, uncertainty, and unknowns. A project for KPMG Ignition, the expert innovation arm of KPMG US. Published early 2024.
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For this series, I established the overarching theme (the 'uncertainty threshold' concept) and narrative arc for the six-part series, and wrote all editorial content. This involved synthesising internal POV documentation, and interviewing senior experts from KPMG's US innovation team.
1️⃣ Article one / Where's your uncertainty threshold?
2️⃣ Article two / Change — then, now, next
3️⃣ Article three / Making sense of potential futures
4️⃣ Article four / What if, or when?
5️⃣ Article five / The constructs that hold us back
6️⃣ Article six / Holding up a mirror